Vice Governor : NTT Have a lot of interesting tours destination


LABUANBAJO,SELATANINDONESIA.COM – The NTT’s vice Governor representative Josef Nae Soi (JNS) promoted the beauty and potential of NTT tourism before participants of the 58th international conference
In 2021 International Association of Women Police (IWAP) at the ceremony Welcome Dinner Show at the Top of Waringin, Sunday (7/11).

Vice governor JNS, invited attendees to explore the destinies of the tourists scattered throughout the NTT.

“On behalf of the government and the people of East Nusa Tenggara, I
cordially welcome you all to the one of the most beautiful islands and tourist destinations in the world. We are grateful that Labuan Bajo has been chosen as the venue for the 58th International Association of Women Police Training Conference 2021. I invited all the participants to visit other exciting and exotic tourism destinations of NTT,” says the vice Governor when offering a welcome speech in English.

Vice Governor (JNS) describes, NTT has over 1,000 tourist sites whether it’s natural tourism, culture or special tourism that are spread out from
Labuan bajo, on the west, Flores, to Alor, Sabu, Rote, Sumba and on to
Belu, the eastern part of the island of Timor.

“Of the thousands of such tourism destinations, there are some 400 already prepared for the present tourist visit. Our agencies and operator tours would be very happy to facilitate tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of NTT,” explains Vice Govermor Nae Soi.

Further, Vice Governor JNS explains the attraction and destination of the tourism in NTT consist of much more than just Labuan Bajo and its iconic Komodo dragons. Many attractive tourist Icons remain typical of the NTT that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

“A Dugong show that was found only in Alor. Then the charm of the rainbow hill Kelabba Maja in Sabu island. We have the most beautiful island in the world, that Is Sumba island. At Sumba we have a beautiful places with the savanna landscape Interesting view. So much beautiful white sand beaches. And Nemberala in Rote Ndao, one of the best surfing places in the world. If you want to enjoy the most beautiful underwater gardens in the world, come to alor,” says the vice Governor (JNS) .

On this time, the vice Governor JNS also introduced the NTT’s culture wealth manifest, Tenun Ikat witj varied shades and colors.

“The NTT also houses the customs of the unusual architecture found in Waerebo, a place that usually called with “Land above the clouds”. There is also a house on the stage with such a special feature on Ratenggaro Flores island
and on Sumba island. The traditional pasola war ritual is also present in sumba.
And there are still many unique cultural and religius rituals scattered across the island of Flores, Sumba, Timor, and other islands in the NTT, “explains vice governor Josef Nae Soi.

Vice Governor hopes that the 58th international conference on IWAP will enhance the capacity and competence of female police and encourage international cooperation in prevention and crime handlers.

“This international conference is also expected to have an impact and positive energy for the revival of NTT tourism” by the vice Governor (JNS).

The welcome dinner show is followed by a very strict health protocol. Attendees and visitors were required to perform antigen or PCR tests and masks during the party. It is also hoisted by staging Caci’s dance , the cultural attractions that became typical of many general people in Manggarai. After the ceremony, the participants enjoyed the beautiful of sunset from the top of Waringin.

The chief clerk of 2021 pol Brigjen IWAP Junasih, Was shown present on the occasion, The top brass of headquarters, the regent of west Manggarai, Chief director of the executive agency of authority of labuan bajo, flores (BPOLBF) and the conference participants of IWAP from all the policies in Indonesia and various countries.*)Aven

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